Author: JD


After my surprising last visit to Burger King to try the Double Whopper, I thought I would waltz in and try something else. Until this year I cannot remember the last time I had been to Burger King or McDonalds, and the quality has been surprisingly good. The Bacon Double Cheeseburger looked particularly appetizing on the screen, so I thought I would give it a go. The Bun: 16/20 Ok, for starters I thought this burger was going to be bigger! Without my glasses on the Bacon Double Cheeseburger looked like a mammoth of a burger. It wasn’t until after…

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Having been to 63rd & 1st last year I found the environment to be really nice in Cobham, service good, just lacked a little on the burger. It was a lunch meeting this time that brought me back to 63rd & 1st, and a quick check of the menu meant we were able to give the 63rd & 1st Burger a try. I must admit that the idea of swiss cheese on the burger did give me reservations from the jump but I knew I would enjoy the ambience in the restaurant nonetheless. Read on to see how the burger…

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There is something about ordering a burger on Deliveroo. After trying so many delivery services, I have just found that the final product is sub-par to expectation. Fego, Cobham is a pretty popular restaurant in Cobham, not least because of the Chelsea players attending, but also for documented terrific food. I have had reservations about eating “at” Fego, as the environment is not really my cup of tea, but the menu has always been appealing. A few weeks ago my wife tried the BBQ Short Rib Mac and Cheese and said how good it was and so, I decided that…

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We have been speaking about the Big Matt burger for a very, very long time. As a fan of the Big Mac, my best friend first introduced me to this version in conversation 3 years ago. I guess through the complications of Covid and the alignment of the working schedule, The Big Matt became less and less a possibility, until last week. Hawksmoor in Canary Wharf was the destination, the Big Matt the intention, and a couple of underground and overground trains to contend with in between. Was the journey worth it? The Bun: 19/20 Seeing the burger stack arrive…

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It was perhaps my arrogance that stopped me from reviewing Burger King sooner. Having eaten at so many fantastic Burger restaurants in the last 18 months, eating the run-of-the-mill Burger King with that stupid King hat I remember from my youth didn’t seem too appetizing. I must admit, pulling up at a dated looking brick building with a somewhat familiar childhood sign of Burger King, didn’t spark an abundance of excitement. On the digital board, light years away from the 90’s nostalgia menu board, the Double Whopper looked to be the target for the day! Lets see how it went……

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The Big Mac is probably the most famous burger at McDonalds, and although I am not completely sold on the burger, the sauce is pretty special. One thing I do like, and always have liked, is the McChicken at McDonalds. The mixture of the two could potentially be a pretty big-hitter on my series of reviews so I was actually pretty excited to sit down at the food court in Guildford. Read on to see how it went. The Bun: 12/20 The bun was ok. I think my expectations of McDonalds are so low that anything that is not stale…

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So, the name is not really the sexiest name I have ever heard of for a burger. The McPlant burger is perhaps one of the most advertised and discussed burgers to have come out of McDonalds for quite a while. I am not a vegan, neither am I a lover of the “alternative meat” market. There is just something about trying to replace a good old piece of dead cow with some sort of cactus or something from the ground. Either way, the McPlant is something I just had to try, having been bombarded with advertising from McDonalds since the…

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When we first moved to London, a little over a decade ago, there was just the original “The Ivy” in Covent Garden and it was a great spot to take out-of-town guests for dinner after a day of exploring the city. A good location, a cool history (back to 1917) a menu that offered “something for every occasion” as the old review went, made it an easy choice. So when the Ivy started spinning out new locations faster than McDonald’s, I was skeptical but have been a few times since to various locations and feel the concept still works very…

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It was a random question that ignited the conversation with Farm Fresh about the “Special” burger they had in store for us in Kingston. Having tried a couple of burgers at Farm Fresh I have been pleasantly surprised at the quality of the independent restaurant based in Kingston. The Giant Burger was promised to be something special and well, read on to see how it went. The Bun: 16/20 Farm Fresh has a really good brioche bun that is light, fluffy but not overly bread-heavy. I liked it last time and nothing has really changed. Getting the right bun composition…

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A trip to Hyde Park Winter Wonderland unveiled a surprise in Truffle Burger having a pop-up. Having tried all 3 of the Truffle DIY kits it was more curiosity that had me looking at the pop-up, wondering whether there would be huge differences between a freshly cooked burger by the company. Truffle Burger has pretty amazing ingredients in the Truffle Mayo, Raclette Cheese, Crispy Onions, Fig Jam and Bacon, and Beef Patty. It was reading the menu, nicely displayed on the front of their stand that sold me, even against the other delicious-looking stands with a global cuisine feel. Read…

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