It was perhaps my arrogance that stopped me from reviewing Burger King sooner. Having eaten at so many fantastic Burger restaurants in the last 18 months, eating the run-of-the-mill Burger King with that stupid King hat I remember from my youth didn’t seem too appetizing. I must admit, pulling up at a dated looking brick building with a somewhat familiar childhood sign of Burger King, didn’t spark an abundance of excitement. On the digital board, light years away from the 90’s nostalgia menu board, the Double Whopper looked to be the target for the day! Lets see how it went…

The Bun: 17/20

I almost feel bad on some of the restaurants that have given us a sexy soft brioche in this category. The standard sesame seed bun was hardly the shiny sleek brioche you get served at Burger and Beyond but my goodness it was good! The sesame seeds randomly pop in your mouth and, I have to admit, it was pleasing. The bun held particularly well, as you would expect with a full white flour bun. I did expect that the bun would be dense and the preconceived idea couldn’t be futher from the truth. The fluffy, soft, sesame bun had a good hold of the stack and didn’t take centre stage but was a nice accomplice to a pretty tasty burger.

The Toppings: 9/10

White onions, pickles, fresh lettuce and tomatoes, a pretty standard line up in the Double Whopper. Starting with the onions, these were sublime. The super fresh onions added a crunch in the stack which I loved and perfectly complimented the smokey patties. The lettuce was pretty good, maybe not as crunchy as I would have liked but certainly not the drowned mess I have had in other burgers. Now, I am not a big fan of tomatoes in a burger but I am guessing when they are fresh, kept cold and tabled at exactly the right time in a burger they are a decent addition. I found the tomatoes to be pleasing overall. Probably my only gripe in this category was the pickles; they just didn’t have the pickly taste you would expect from them. The pickles, in fact, were probably one of the only areas I can say Mcdonalds wins hands down! Oh, if you want to have a look at that review you can read it here

The Condiments: 6/10

Ketchup. Not much creativity here but, it complimented pretty well. There was not an overload of the sauce, the balance was right as the advert would surmise, “A swirl of Tomato Ketchup”

The Cheese: 0/20

Almost feel bad as, with my limited experience of ‘fast food burgers” I didn’t actually realise that you could order a Whopper with Cheese. So, my regular Double Whopper, was omitted of the calorie elevation it deserved! Burger King, my bad, apologies!

The Patty (s): 17/20

I expected something that tasted like cardboard in all honesty! However, the Double Whopper had two of the best patties I have had for a while! I have read about liquid smoke being used to manipulate the flavor and the disappointment in so many people being disappointed as they believed Burger King had been chargrilling out the back. Either way, I need to go on what I tasted and whether it was liquid smoke or not, what I received was two meaty patties with a beautiful chargrill “flavor”. The meat was good, maybe not to the standard I have come to expect from some of our more niche burger restaurants but definitely much nicer than I believed was possible at Burger King.

The Taste: 18/20

If I was hungry and driving through a town and saw a Burger King I would stop and grab a Double Whopper again, probably this time with cheese! I am not sure what the general consensus is with fast food joints vs actual burger restaurants but this is a contender for a really good burger. I did not expect anything like the taste that the Double Whopper provided. I thought it was fresh, meaty and a confident burger given the small amount of sauce that complimented rather than directed the taste of the burger. If you want to find the nearest Burger King to you, check out the locations here

Our Verdict: 67/100

I feel bad as one of our high-scoring categories was taken away from the Double Whopper. I mean, even if the cheese was average it would have scored a very respectable score. I have been vocal amongst my friends about the quality of food provided at some of the fast-food joints and this time I have been happy to eat my words (Like what I did there?!) The Double Whopper will go down as one of my favorite burgers from a fast-food restaurant to date and I am looking forward to getting back in the store, with my two year old to save face, and shovel another one down! It just seems right to tell you if you enjoyed this review you should check out our review on The Double Big Mac from McDonalds.

  • The Bun 8
  • The Toppings 9
  • The Condiments 6
  • The Cheese 0
  • The Patty (s) 8
  • The Taste 9
  • Our Verdict 6.7
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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