The drive to Rochester was made worth it by a delightful Burger. Having been enticed by Chuck and Blade’s well managed Instagram page I had to go and try the Big Charlie and it did not disappoint. Would I head back there again? Yes. The Burger was beautifully constructed and the Candied Bacon and Sweet Bacon Jam added another dimension.

The Bun: 20/20

Reminiscent of Burger and Beyond’s Demi brioche this was the closest thing I have had to it. The shine was impeccable and it held particularly well against the candied moisture of the bacon, the Sweet Bacon Jam and not to mention the Signature Burger Sauce. The texture of the bun was perfect. This is an area I have had a few burgers fall down lately so I was pleasantly surprised to be served a bun that could hold together but was not dense. Having an open plan kitchen, Chuck and Blade are obviously confident in their cook and I watched as the bun was steamed with an injection of water after the stack. As Buns go, this was one of the best. A silent hero that is only really noticed when things go wrong as the focus is rarely on the bun, kudos to the brioche selection at Chuck and Blade, this is a very, very good bun!

The Toppings: 10/10

Candied Bacon, Pickles and Onions. The Candied Bacon was an extra cost at £2 but let me tell you, this is essential for anyone that likes bacon in a Burger. The sweetness of the Bacon is counterbalanced by something and I can only surmise that it is a soft smoke. The Candied Bacon is exceptional, absolutely terrific. The only problem for me now is, when I head back to Chuck and Blade to review another Burger, how do I order something that does not have that Candied Bacon. Lining up in the Toppings list there were a handful of really tasty and fresh pickles. Similar to the Bun sometimes pickles go unnoticed but these certainly did not, they had a really great taste that complimented the Burger. The onions were pretty bland in all honesty, they were not particularly strong but with so many other strong flavours in the mix, I think they may have just been overshadowed. Overall the Toppings were a winner for me, brilliant mix and I am glad that I paid the extra for the Candied Bacon, essential in any Chuck and Blade Burger by my estimation!

The Condiments: 9/10

The Sweet Bacon Jam elevated this Burger to a level that I am unsure it could reach without it. The Signature Burger Sauce was ok, it was not amazing. Being a Burger Sauce super fan I think I come with high expectations of a tangy sweetness which is not achieved by many burger joints. Between the two condiments, it gave the Burger great moisture which was essential as the smashed patties struggled to retain any. The sweetness of the Jam, however, did enough in the flavour profile to turn two average patties to a great flavour. Between the two condiments, there was nothing but a great taste, I am just sceptical about how much of that was the Burger Sauce.

The Cheese: 14/20

The American Cheese served in the Big Charlie is nice. I didn’t opt to go for extra cheese which is one of the three options when you order. I thought the cheese would be a little scarce, to be fair, given how many other things were going to be in this Burger. I was wrong. The Big Charlie came out fully loaded and the cheese had that “food porn” look with the cheese oozing from the sides of a huge Burger. The flavour of the cheese was lost in translation in all honesty. It was noticeable every now and then but being as they had lumped the cheese on so generously, each bite had the pleasant texture that you look for from the cheese in a good burger. One of our highest-scoring cheeses was at Burger and Beyond, that was class!

The Patty: 10/20

Honestly, had these two smashed patties been of the standard I have come to expect from burgers this Big Charlie would be in and around top spot. The patties were huge! That was one positive. The texture was not great. The separation of the patties left overcooked chunks of beef on the tray that it was served on. I like a chargrilled burger with a nice burn on the outside but I like the inside to be pink and juicy. Unfortunately, the Big Charlie dropped points here. The flavour was ok, needed more seasoning for my tastebuds though. The texture on the outside was perfect, I like that texture. Having watched the patties be made on the grill I think that the moisture is lost in the meat because they are literally smashed so hard that the separation of the meat allows for so much heat to get into the middle. With a tricky stack of all the toppings on the patties the chef surely cannot have long before the meat dries out and this, unfortunately, is exactly what happened in my opinion. All being said, if they get this patty right, we will have a major player in the Big Charlie because the beef does have potential.

The Taste: 18/20

In this category I have found myself pondering and reliving every moment of the experience with The Big Charlie. The beef, was a let down, the onions were a little redundant but the rest were amazing. It is a complicated score because the patty, for me, is a probably the most crucial component of a good burger. That being said, the taste of the patty was elevated by the condiments and toppings on this occasion and overall taste was brilliant. The texture of the meat was not perfect by my standards but the actual taste of everything combined was terrific. I have given a score of 18 as I found myself literally wiping the fallen patty on the remaining juice from the condiment and eating miniature burgers with my thumb and fingertip. The taste is not debatable, it was fantastic, just a few issues with the style of cook in my opinion.

Our Verdict: 81/100

At this point, Chuck and Blade have fallen short of my Top 3 but I can’t help but wonder if those patties were cooked a little better where they would be. Having only opened 15 weeks ago and being very new they have started off above the likes of Dirty Bones and I think this gives them precocious bragging rights. The flavour profiles are right, the stack is brilliant, presentation and service is spot on, it is just the patty which needs serious attention in my opinion. Chuck and Blade will continue to grow and work on their product and I can see them becoming an establishment that will be a “must visit” in the future. In my opinion, this is not the finished article at Chuck and Blade and if the Big Charlie is their signature then they have got something very special to work with. I would call them the Wayne Rooney of Burgers, with the right innovation and continued work on their product they will become a star in the burger game. If they could bring a branch to Surrey I will be the first in line at the door on opening day, save me the 60-mile drive! If you would like to try out Chuck and Blade you should check out their website

  • The Bun 10
  • The Toppings 10
  • The Condiments 9
  • The Cheese 7
  • The Patty 5
  • The Taste 9
  • Our Verdict 9.1
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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