It was a family day out to Dip & Flip, secret covert operation to get Dip & Flip on the review cards as we have yet to have ‘officially’ reviewed a burger of theirs. The family train journey to Wimbledon with 2 children climbing on chairs and evading the necessary masks as us adults should be wearing. Question is, whether or not my 5-year abandonment of trains was actually worth it for Dip & Flip’s Bacon Double Cheeseburger…

The Bun: 18/20

The soft brioche bun did particularly well to hold up against the sheer weight of this stack. Honestly, this burger was huge, and although the size of the smashed patties against the brioche was a David vs Goliath situation I cannot fault the robustness of the bun. Therein lies some food for thought; a soft, nice-tasting bun that did not fall apart against the dipping of the gravy, tons of sauce, and weight of a stack. Impressive craftsmanship or luck? Whatever it was, I thought Dip & Flip’s brioche was a good example of the types of buns we have come to enjoy at Cheeseburgerme.

The Toppings: 6/10

I know the pickled slaw at Dip & Flip having had one of their infamous Dip & Flip burgers previously. The pickled slaw is one of my toppings not only at Dip & Flip but in any burger I have tried in this last 16 months. I found that in this particular burger the pickled slaw was lost in translation and although I did get a taste of it here and there, it was not enough to combat the overwhelming patties and cheese. The bacon was a little disappointing also. It tasted like pretty decent bacon, to be fair, I just felt that it missed a little crispness that would have broken the texture of the stack a little bit. I could taste a light smoke but not enough, again, to counterbalance the cheese and patties.

The Condiments: 8/10

A simple Ketchup and Mustard that just worked. Sometimes simplicity is best. In the Bacon Double Cheeseburger, it worked particularly well. It would be very easy to go overboard with the quantity but the chefs had it bang on point and it made for an enjoyable burger that did not overwhelm or underwhelm a decent burger.

The gravy, I have to admit seems to have changed a little at Dip & Flip on this evidence. I remember a super beefy, rich flavoured gravy, that would just make you want to dip on each bite. Sadly, this was not the same, it tasted like a token bisto brand that did not compliment the Bacon Cheeseburger or the signature Dip & Flip Burger.

The Cheese: 19/20

I have been to Dip & Flip a few times and actually felt I could have written this review without having to attend again. How wrong I was. They threw this cheese into this particular burger that I have not tried before. It seemed to be some sort of American Squeezy Cheese that looked amazing and tasted just as good. Ok, so a little bit of processed cheese hasn’t hurt anyone. Well, I don’t know, lets just say that both of us that ate this burger were wiped out for the rest of the afternoon and didn’t eat for 24 hours! Could be the cheese, could be the sheer size of the burger, but I did feel that my body had consumed a ridiculous amount of fat! Embarrassingly, being a couch potato for a whole Sunday afternoon was actually quite nice and if I could do it again, I would! The cheese was not a fancy attempt at creating some unique flavour but just a standard ‘good ol’ get messy and get dirty piece of brilliance that I really loved! Where do you think Dip and Flip scored in our Top Burgers Hit List?

The Patty: 18/20

These two smashed patties, for me, were cooked to perfection. The first bite stole my heart as I bit through a crispy outside texture into a meaty middle, this burger had me at hello. The flavour was good, well seasoned and seared onto the outside of the meat. I admit I did not get the wow factor with the meat like it was any special blend of beef kissed by the sun but it did a notable job within the stack. The meat took centre stage for me alongside the cheese and it didn’t disappoint. My only observation is that the flavor did come a little repetitive after a few bites and I question if this could be down to the quality of the meat. Richness never dies but, paradoxically, if these two patties were too rich, with their size, I would have fallen asleep at the table.

The Taste: 18/20

As eluded too in the last paragraph I absolutely loved the taste. The burger had a good balance despite the centre-fold cheese and meat. I have to remember those first two bites and it was a “wow” moment. Honestly, I immediately thought this burger was incredible. It was only as it went on that the pallet became a little more accustomed to the flavour which began to lose its momentum. I think although this is a high scoring burger, there are others that have kept that “wow” factor the whole way through. Although, this way through was a long time with the size of this thing!

Our Verdict: 87/100

Dip & Flip is a brilliant burger joint, I have been to Wimbledon a number of times. My only observation is consistency. I think that sometimes it can be out of this world and other times, just ‘good’. I think that is something to keep in mind, if you want a guaranteed, good burger, then Dip & Flip do not disappoint. I am hoping to have my pad, pen, and camera out again sometime soon, however. I know when they get it right, they really get it right and this burger could well be in the top 3 with just a little more slaw and, longer-cooked bacon. This is a must-try though, regardless, when they get it right it is worth that walk past Five Guys 2 or 3 plots before! You can check out Dip and Flip’s website here

  • The Bun 9
  • The Toppings 6
  • The Condiments 8
  • The Cheese 9.5
  • The Patty 9
  • The Taste 9
  • Our Verdict 8.7
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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