Having Cheeky Burger local in a ‘pop up’ meant I had to take the opportunity pre lockdown number 3 to go and grab a couple of their signatures. I opted for the Elvis and the Hot Daddy. How did they fair in the Cheeseburgerme breakdown of components? Check it out!

The Bun: 19/20

Cannot fault this bun in the slightest. Soft, tasty brioche with a nice little shine was ever inviting. I think they must have steamed this bun because it just seemed to be like absolute heaven biting through and it just blending with the other components like butter. As far as buns go, this was one of the best, by far. Reminded me a little bit of Five Guys the way that it just seemed to grip the internal components, so much so you couldn’t pull the cheese from it if you tried!

The Toppings: 2/10

Grilled Applewood Smoked Bacon and Grilled Onions on the line up with the Elvis Burger. Unfortunately I could taste absolutely nothing from the two of these toppings. I expected the bacon to have a strong taste, especially being as I am a bacon fan, but there was nothing. Disappointing to say the least, I can only even give this category 2 points due to the fact I knew they were there and did get a residual taste of onion every few bites. The bacon did not have the crispness that I expect, or like, from bacon in a stack. The flavour missing is one thing but with the familiar textural break up that grilled bacon usually offers just was not there.

The Condiments: 6/10

This Elvis Burger came with 3 pretty amazing-sounding condiments on the roster! Homemade smokey mayo, Hot Daddy chipotle sauce, and Peanut Butter, yes Peanut Butter. Let me tell you: I drove 30 miles once to go and get one of these Cheeky Elvis Burgers, literally just because of the peanut butter addition, only to find it was closed. I was so excited to try this burger because I love peanut butter! I have to say in this category, it was an absolute waste of time. The peanut butter tasted cheap like Sun Pat, full of sugar and overpowering. When I did get a clear bite away from the middle of the bun where the peanut butter had been smeared I tasted an extremely good homemade Mayo and a lovely chipotle sauce. I can imagine for most, this peanut butter would a driver for buying the Elvis as it was for me, please do not waste your time. The other two condiments were a joy, but you will find yourself trying to wipe the nostalgic Kwik-Save peanut butter from your patty to taste the rest of the stack! Cheeky Burger really let themselves down for something that sounded so exciting.

The Cheese: 13/20

The cheese was pretty good. I spent a little bit of time trying to determine which cheese had been used. The taste had a light cheesiness but was so well cooked into this stack it was just beautiful to admire the cascading over the patty. If I was to guess I would say it was a light cheddar cheese but, again, I cannot be certain. One thing for sure, it is not a disappointing cheese and certainly gives the food porn look which I loved!

The Patty: 10/20

This was average meat. There is no other explanation for it. The patty was coarse, overcooked and disintegrated as you bit into it. I could almost forgive the aforementioned if it still delivered a meaty punch, or even a chargrilled punch, just something other than that bloody peanut butter that managed to seep through even the thickest of patties. The patty was thick and although was cooked to medium showing off a slight hint of pink, which I like, it had nothing in terms of meat flavour. Average, expected from a decent Burger van outside on a dual carriageway so nothing to scream home about here.

The Taste: 12/20

I have to say that the Elvis was ok. The injection of a decent cheese and some homemade wizardry saved the taste to above average. Unfortunately the taste is let down by a sub par peanut butter which is was all too familiar from those Transformers lunch box sandwiches at primary school.

Our Verdict: 62/100

Cheeky Burger is definitely an up-and-coming brand. Their Instagram is well populated and maintained with some great images. The sizes of the burgers are exaggerated on Instagram and social media can be a deception many a time, especially when looking for a decent burger which is why we exist! The Elvis, for me, is one to miss. Honestly, if I was to have scraped the peanut butter off and maybe just 30 seconds or so less heat on the patty and this could have scored in the 70s. I would not try the Elvis again, not unless something was done to balance the flavours in the condiment and topping department. A little bit of confusion there between the stars of the show and all to fail in my opinion. We have reviewed The Cheeky Cheese from Cheeky Burger which scored a lot higher here

  • The Bun 9.5
  • The Toppings 2
  • The Condiments 6
  • The Cheese 6.5
  • The Patty 5
  • The Taste 6
  • Our Verdict 6.2
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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