It was a long time ago that my partner and I discussed our love for burgers. In fact, it was our mutual love for Five Guys that probably started the conversation in the first place. After nearly three years, it only just occurred to me that my infatuation with Five Guys had never culminated with me eating the “All the Way” version. Perhaps it could be a step too far, and ruin what I know to be a fantastic burger. But, the fact that Five Guys advertise it on the board must mean that its worth something, right?

The Bun: 15/20

When Five Guys get this bun right, it is one of the best out there. I was taught to allow some time for the bun to steam inside of the foil wrapping to ensure a nice soft bun and a ton of melted cheese. I did the exact same this time, but it worked against me (sad face). The sheer weight and liquidity of the Five Guys All the Way toppings just ruined the heel something terrible. I am not a fine dining eater, so for me to have half a bun scattered around my chin is pretty normal. The problem was that the bun was just disintegrating to absolute mush with each second that went by. Schoolboy error on my part, should I have taken the burger out of the wrapping faster? Or, is the All the Way stack just too much for Five Guys soft buns?

The Toppings: 6/10

Typically, when I grab a Five Guys, I get pickles, jalapenos, and lettuce. Today, I am not even going to try and reel off the absolute stack of toppings that were in this burger! However, there was something in there that surprised me and could make my roster in the future. The fried onions were absolutely impeccable. I actually love caramelized onions and have always revered fried onions that would be served at your local cafe. But, perhaps I have been a little too condescending in connecting those types of onions with ‘establishments’. Because the flavor I found in this burger because of the onions just enhanced the whole thing. I am looking forward to going back, selecting onions alongside my usual lineup, and seeing how they impact.

Five Guys All The Way is a lot. I think there is so much going on with the toppings the flavor profile is out of whack. I liked the onions, but, in particular, the stone-cold tomato rings, were just incongruous in a Five Guys stack.

The Condiments: 10/10

It is hard to go wrong with the condiments at Five Guys. I keep things a little creative by mixing the mustard, mayo, and a touch of ketchup. Full marks to myself on this one!

The Cheese: 19/20

The American Cheese is fantastic at Five Guys, and the Five Guys All the Way burger is no different. I did think that perhaps the tons more toppings may well negatively affect the presence of the cheese, but I was wrong. Maybe I had a really generous chef, I am not sure, but there just seemed to be even more cheese than normal. I had a sigh of relief when removing the foil to see that typical cheesy ooze. Another smashing category for Five Guys All The Way.

The Patty: 19/20

I think the flavor of Five Guys patties is exceptional, though sometimes the chefs can dry the meat out by cooking too long. The All The Way ordered today hit the spot somewhere between great and fantastic. Perfectly charred beef, rich in flavor and cooked within a few seconds of being too well done for my liking. I couldn’t complain. My only observation is, again, connected to the toppings: The presence of the mushrooms seemed to dull some of the flavor from the patty, which I didn’t like in the slightest. I mean, who really likes mushrooms in a burger anyway? You know you love a burger when you are actually angry with them being there, but for the purposes of review, I had to eat the All the Way true to its form!

The Taste: 16/20

Five Guys All The Way tasted good, saved by great meat, condiments, and consistent cheese. The overall flavor profile is ruined by the heavy liquidity in the mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, and onions. I can see how some of these toppings may work independently of one another, but all in the same stack is overkill. That being said, I still got a great burger from a great joint, and if this is the worst, it’s still better than some of the worst’s best!

Our Verdict: 85/100

To score 85/100 with a burger that I did not particularly like either shows my love for Five Guys or the quality you get regardless of what you order. I think when it comes to consistency, they take it to another level, and it is probably why five years since my first, I am still a regular through those doors. The only reason I would not go All The Way again is that I have my regular order, which I like much more. But, this burger could still stand up against so many other burgers and win the top spot. As it happens, the regular order stands second on our hit list, if you would like to read the review, check this out.

  • The Bun 7.5
  • The Toppings 6
  • The Condiments 10
  • The Cheese 9.5
  • The Patty 9.5
  • The Taste 7
  • Our Verdict 8.5
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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