If you are after a quick Burger that is of great quality, holds shape, is juicy and flavourful then the SmokeShack at ShakeShack has to be a contender. The patty was full of chargrilled flavour, the bun was terrific and the cheese was the best American cheese I have ever tasted. My one gripe was with the Bacon, although a little flavour was omitted it was pretty redundant against the rest that was nearing perfection in my opinion.

The Bun: 20/20

Although the menu does elude to what this bun is made from I am pretty certain it is a brioche. I actually read that ShakeShack have their buns specially engineered to prevent sliding of the patty and condiments. How much of this is true I really do not know, could be an old wife’s tale but this bun was another level irrespective. It was soft, ridiculously soft. I actually waited for the bun to fall apart under the stress of the Shack Sauce and juicy burger but it never did. I half expected a sugary taste in the bun as their must be something in this bun that holds so well whilst still being as soft as it is, but again, I didn’t. “If Carlsberg made buns” – This would be it!

The Toppings: 7/10

The toppings were a Smoked Apple Wood Bacon and Chopped Cherry Peppers. Starting with the Cherry Peppers: I had pretty much planned to remove these blobs of texture in the bun when I first picked this burger up. I mean, who puts red peppers in a messy Saturday cheat meal Burger? I half figured that Jamie Oliver had put some sort of official government complaint into ShakeShack so they had tried to inject some health-conscious ingredients to, what I would assume to be, a great American belly-busting burger? I was swallowing my words and these peppers after the first bite. These peppers added a sweetness against an amazing cheese and patty that just bolstered this burger to a new level. The texture of the peppers rising up from the melted cheese added a slight crunch after the bun that was just so pleasing it is indescribable. I can only surmise that the peppers are cooked in a sweet oil down to the point of them losing the crunch and then just thrown into the mix of this amazing burger.

I am a Bacon fan! I also love smoked meats. An applewood smoke on streaky bacon would offer a strong taste in a burger construction. This offered nothing. They were thick rashers that were tasteless and ruined the bite of the burger. Seeing the salt from pork is never the most sightly thing in the world and to be honest, I could have done without it. It did strike a balance on the textured side of things but other than that the bacon was like an extra at the oscars – pointless but happy to be noticed.

The Condiments: 5/10

The ShackSauce was nothing to scream home about. I couldn’t find much about the ShackSauce but it definitely was a mayonnaise infused with a little mustard and ketchup and definitely some other spices that I cannot speculate on. I found it to have a nice little twang to it but it did not really make a difference in the taste to the burger which may be a good or a bad thing. Maybe the sauce is there just to complement the authentic and rich taste of the meat and showcase the cheese in as a main architect of flavour? Or maybe it was supposed to change the taste and be in the driving seat itself? Unsure but for me, it was average; added a little moisture but not much else!

The Cheese: 20/20

The American Cheese at ShakeShack is unbelievable. If I could end it there I would! It was amazing. Usually an American cheese slice is pretty tasteless but hugs the patty well enough to make a texture difference and maybe every now and then through eating you would get a bit of cheese flavour. This cheese had all the flavour. The best way for me to describe it would be: Imagine the texture of a thick American cheese slice generously wrapped around a patty with all the flavour of a mature cheddar. It outshone the ShackSauce the balance struck between the cheese and the peppers was absolutely impeccable. The next time I head to ShakeShack I will be just going for the Cheese Burger and adding the cherry peppers in at the end as an extra. Forget the bacon but never, ever, forget this cheese!

The Beef: 17/20

Angus Beef double patty. The presentation of the patty is immense. When you open a ShakeShack box you get a chargrilled blackened patty edge oozing juice, it is a beautiful sight. Not only did these patties look great, but they also tasted pretty amazing too. The taste was a nice grilled flavour on the outside rich in seasoning but then when you bite into it you are greeted with a soft medium to well meaty texture. It has an air of simplicity to it. It is a great burger cooked perfectly. If you were to rate this meat in a potential ranking, I would say that they cooked this burger to its highest potential. Without upgrading the quality of meat there is not much else you could do with it. The interaction between cheese and patty is stunning, perfect cheese to patty ratio and perfect patty to bun ratio. The meat itself, although great, is not the best I have had. I would liken the patty to Five Guys, these patties are also smashed, but I can also say that it just about tips Five Guys in the flavour department.

Taste: 17/20

This burger had a fantastic taste. The taste was a strong beefy taste firstly, complimented by an amazing cheese and pepper combination that added texture and a contrast in flavour. If only these guys used a bacon that didn’t look like it belonged in a dual carriageway roadside burger van this would be challenging for one of my favourite burgers ever. But, as far as taste goes, this is up there, way up there!

Our Verdict: 86/100

This was a fast food burger on steroids. I did not expect to have such quality meat and definitely did not expect to have fallen in love with a cheese. I see ShakeShack in the competition realms of Five Guys, GBK and perhaps Patty and Bun. ShakeShack in my opinion sits above all of them without a shadow of a doubt. They have not got as many stores here as in the US and if I was Five Guys I would be hoping it continues to stay that way. It doesn’t give you the feeling of a ‘personal attention’ of some of the smaller places with extremely high quality like Burger and Beyond or Black Bear Burger but it definitely is a burger that I would have any day of the week. If you could liken this Burger to a football team they would be my Arsenal, always there or thereabouts and with obvious quality but not quite competing with the best of the best. You should check out our Hit List for more top burgers!

  • The Bun 10
  • The Toppings 7
  • The Condiments 5
  • The Cheese 10
  • The Beef 8.5
  • Taste 8.5
  • Our Verdict 8.6
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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