McDonald’s may soon be coming to a metaverse near you.

The fast-food giant filed 10 trademark applications only weeks ago related to entering the metaverse, including virtual restaurants that deliver to your real-world home.

The filings to the US Patent and Trademark Office on 4 February, interestingly also cover ‘virtual concerts’ under both the McDonald’s and McCafé brands.

Whilst all things metaverse may still sound somewhat questionable for some, the world’s big brands are investing hundreds of billions into it. As with all new technologies that succeed, early adopters benefit disproportionately.

The world is becoming a more interesting place by the day. In this unprecedented time, we are seeing greater numbers of people seeking virtual worlds for socialization and entertainment than ever before. GenZ are in many ways already familiar with virtual worlds. Gamers spend incredible amounts of their time plugged into the worlds of Call of Duty, Halo, Minecraft. The proliferation of all things metaverse is natural to them, they welcome and look forward to it, and as always, it’s the big brands like McDonalds taking the first steps.

People want hospitality and catering businesses to deliver them with unique experiences, in a relatively short period of time, enjoying those experiences in a metaverse will be as natural as engaging with a hospitality and catering business on twitter.

McDonald’s know this and are busy planning to take full commercial advantage.

If a Big Mac is anything to go buy (like what we did there?) You should check out the review of the Double Big Mac here


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