It was a brave move for Honest Burgers to bring out a London Vegan Burger only restaurant, and it must have been a pretty “trending” decision for the business. Irrespective of their bravery, The Times reported last week that Honest Burgers, alongside many others, will be closing their “meat-free” stores. Does this mean that the meat-free, vegan bandwagon, is coming to an end?

The London Vegan Burger, Honest Edition

Ok, so the menu in V Honest Burgers does include one of our a favourites that we reviewed during the pandemic, the infamous Tribute Burger. That stack was one hell of a beast and just elevated my expectation of what American Burgers are all about. If you need a reminder of the Tribute Burger, read our review. I can remember giving the 20 scoring for the overall taste, it was hands down one of the best I have had. So, Honest Burgers recreated this in their London Vegan Burger, the Vegan Tribute. Fully loaded with a plant burger patty, applewood vegan cheese, burger sauce, mustard, red onions, pickles and lettuce. It sounds good and, really, I should have headed to V Honest Burgers for a comparison to be sure. In fact, I am a little gutted that I didn’t manage to get there. It may seem a little redundant in the mid to long term but you can see the menu at V Honest Burgers here.

What is Happening Next with the London Vegan Burger?

To be honest, I am really unsure. Honest Burgers have announced the difficult decision to reintroduce meat into their meat-free store in Leicester Square. This could, perhaps, signify the declining boom in meat free consumers over the course of the last 12 months. Perhaps it was the pandemic, social environments being cut to online interaction and the sudden focus of self-conscious millenials that pushed resturaunts to  jump in feet first. Electrifying movies like “The Game Changers” even had a self-confessed carnivore like myself taking the vegetable plunge…. for 48 hours no less. London certainly is a diverse city and there is no shortage of food for any food preference but perhaps the larger brands have miscalculated the power of the independent resturaunts passionate about their art? I do believe that veganism is still at a local level, not global, and I am yet to see any one food brand dominate the market. Something as niche as a London vegan burger should be an easy step for a brand as powerful as Honest in the UK, but it wasn’t. One thing is for sure though, vegan burgers are around to stay, I can’t say that I have had one that I actually like, but I am excited to see who emerges as a clear winner in the race for the best London vegan burger in due course.

Here’s a tribute to Vegan Tribute, RIP.


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