This stack from Fego Cobham came with Sumac Onions, Roast Peppers, and Rocket. To be quite honest, other than the roast peppers, the toppings were completely redundant. The roast peppers, however, were pretty good. You would expect sumac onions to play a pretty pronounced role in the Lamb Burger, but they were disappointingly a no-show.

The Bun: 10/20

I know Fego are exceptional in bringing quality food to a somewhat affluent area of Surrey. I did expect that the bun on their Lamb Burger would have been a lot better. The density of the bread must be purposefully constructed to deal with the immense stack and its liquidity. The problem with the bun, albeit’s practicality, is the density meant an unpleasant chewing experience. With lamb already being a dense meat, I’d have thought a lighter bun would have made more sense. That being said, the bun, although pretty flavourless, was ok. It certainly held the stack together, so no complaints on that side of things!

The Toppings: 5/10

This stack from Fego Cobham came with Sumac Onions, Roast Peppers, and Rocket. To be quite honest, other than the roast peppers, the toppings were completely redundant. The roast peppers, however, were pretty good. You would expect sumac onions to play a pretty pronounced role in the Lamb Burger, but they were disappointingly a no-show. At the same time, when I think about a Lamb Burger and what could potentially be included, there is not much. So, a good effort to Fego Cobham for coming up with a combination!

The Condiments: 1/10

The condiments were truly terrible. I cannot overstate how bad the combination of hummus and Tzatizki was. The Tzatizki was pretty nice, alone, but within this burger, it didn’t work. The hummus was laden on the heel of the bun. It was completely overpowering in flavour, and the texture meant that the patty would slip from side to side. There needed to be something Mediterranean in this burger, so I got the creativity. I just wonder if anyone in the kitchen had actually tasted the Lamb Burger at Fego. Hummus in a burger gives an additional density to a burger that already contains a Lamb patty and a dense bun.

The Cheese: 0/20

There is no cheese in the Fego Cobham Lamb Burger. But honestly, with the confusion in this stack, cheese may have even worked!

The Patty: 14/20

The patty was probably the highlight of the burger. The lamb was really well cooked and had a nice flavour. Perhaps the patty had a little bit too much of a cumin infusion, but the coriander helped to balance it a bit. The richness of the lamb could suggest quality meat. I really liked the lamb. If I wasn’t conducting a review, then I would have taken the patty out of the stack and used my knife and fork. It would have been more enjoyable!

The Taste: 7/20

Fego Cobham’s Lamb Burger made this score amicable by giving a well-cooked, if not overseasoned, meat. I did like the flavour of the meat, but the flavour overall was pretty dire. The hummus didn’t just ruin the burger’s texture but also the flavour. Typically, the condiments and toppings should compliment the meat. If these ingredients were independent on a plate, perhaps it would work with the nice lamb. But, in a burger stack with one of the densest buns I have ever eaten, it was terrible.

Our Verdict: 37/100

I know Fego Cobham and know that they are better than this. The Lamb Burger is a poor addition to a restaurant that usually serves up very nice food. I would definitely never eat this burger again, unless the flavour profile was completely changed. It is definitely a miss. Whatever they are trying to do, just didn’t work. At the same time, the burger is not a reflection of the quality of the food at Fego. I also reviewed their BBQ Beef Short Rib Burger which was brilliant.

  • The Bun 5
  • The Toppings 5
  • The Condiments 1
  • The Cheese 0
  • The Patty 7
  • The Taste 3.5
  • Our Verdict 3
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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