Having Cheeky Burger local in a ‘pop up’ meant I had to take the opportunity pre lockdown number 3 to go and grab a couple of their signatures. I opted for the Elvis and the Hot Daddy. How did they fair in the Cheeseburgerme breakdown of components? Check it out!

The Bun: 19/20

Cannot fault this bun in the slightest. Soft, tasty brioche with a nice little shine was ever inviting. I think they must have steamed this bun because it just seemed to be like absolute heaven biting through and it just blending with the other components like butter. As far as buns go, this was one of the best, by far. Reminded me a little bit of Five Guys the way that it just seemed to grip the internal components, so much so you couldn’t pull the cheese from it if you tried!

The Toppings: 5/10

Average toppings line up with shredded lettuce, tomato, pickle and extra jalapeños. The jalapeños for me were the star of this category; they were spicy, fresh and definitely added to the crunch in the texture. I am of the contention if you are going to use something like shredded lettuce the quantities need to be enough to make a difference to the texture because truth be told, the flavour of a water based salad does nothing for most carnivores hey!

The Condiments: 10/10

This is what I was searching for from Cheeky Burger!! The homemade sauces they have going on makes all the difference. The jalapeño jam is spectacular, so fresh and the sweetness is kicked with a spice that electrifies the taste buds. The smokey mayo and homemade ketchup compliment each other so well, great blend of flavour. Found myself wiping the slate I ate over for any drippings left on from this burger. I love it!

The Cheese: 13/20

The cheese was pretty good. I spent a little bit of time trying to determine which cheese had been used. The taste had a light cheesiness but was so well cooked into this stack it was just beautiful to admire the cascading over the patty. If I was to guess I would say it was a light cheddar cheese but, again, I cannot be certain.

The Patty: 10/20

Unfortunately the patty cannot score past average. It is a was a big, thick patty but it is just missing that meaty flavour that I crave. The disintegrating meat had no give when you bite into it. Neither chargrilled nor crispy but it has that coarse texture without yielding the fruits of a grilled flavour at least. As for the quality of the meat it is just not what I have come to expect from professional burger joints these days. Five Guys still would be above the standard with the Cheeky beef patty and I class Five Guys as average. If you would like to check out Cheeky Burgers website click here

The Taste: 14/20

Despite the shortcomings of the meat and toppings the condiments in this burger are so good it elevates the score taste category. The patty does enough to hold an average scoring, but with the condiments supporting mediocrity the overall taste is nice.

Our Verdict: 71/100

This is a nice burger. I would definitely order it again, maybe next time with a little note for cooking instruction for my patty that may help with a better scoring. We score based on components but the overall balance of this burger makes it a real nice burger to try. Cheeky Burger have definitely got the nucleus of something that could be exceptional. A great bun, amazing condiment blend and just in need of a good meat and something else on the topping front. You can read another of our Cheeky Burger reviews of the Elvis Burger here

  • The Bun 9.5
  • The Toppings 5
  • The Condiments 10
  • The Cheese 6.5
  • The Patty 5
  • The Taste 7
  • Our Verdict 7.1
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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