Having a fantastic traditional burger is what we live for. The beef, cheese, toppings, and condiments is the driver of this website. When we met Burgogi, not so long ago, they offered us to try their Korean BBQ, which was fantastic. Since, we have had our eyes on the Korean Seoul Meal Kit, which is a Korean-inspired burger kit. My excitement couldn’t have even prepared me for the immense amount of flavor within that box!

What is it about Korean Burgers?

I asked myself this question when I opened the box! I have an expectation of Korean food to be full of flavour, spice and with twisty. Perhaps it is my affinity with Kimchi, or Korean Fried Chicken. Either way, I am a Korean food fan but I had never tried a burger. In comparison with most of the burger kits we have tried, this one could be considered more expensive. Despite being around the same price point (£29.99) this kit has two burgers and chunky chips. Most DIY kits have four, but for what I was about to experience it was a well-considered trade-off.

The box comes with a Bulgogi Burger and a Galbi Burger. I am not a chef, but I think the two differences are the cut of the meat. The Bulgogi Burger comes in traditional patty-like form whereas the Galbi is thin cut pieces of meat to stack.

Are Korean Burgers Better than Traditional Burgers

I wanted to do a “real” review on the Burgogi Burger Kit. Unfortunately, only one of the burgers came with cheese which meant they would miss out on one high-scoring category. The Bulgogi Burger had the cheese and the patty-like form and could be considered the option for review. But, I ate my half of the Bulgogi Burger after eating the Galbi. Honestly, I am not sure whether it was brilliant or not, which is why I was unable to review it. The Galbi Burger absolutely stole the show. I knew from the first bite that Celeplate had delivered something special. The flavour that transcended from that amazing half a burger literally blew my mind.

The Galbi meat is “flame glazed rib meat” which just melted like butter in your mouth omitting flavours that were eye-wateringly good. Couple the meat with Jalapeno Mayo and Bujang sauce and heaven is entered. Honestly, I have been doing this a good few years, and the condiment combination made me feel brand new. Everything about this burger worked, absolutely everything. If we had different parameters on our review section I have no doubt whatsoever that the Galbi Burger would be in the top 2. In fact, I spent a few hours that evening weighing up the differences between the Hawksmoor Big Matt Burger vs the Galbi from Burgogi. Obviously, in terms of a ‘traditional’ burger, the Big Matt is the gold standard so far in the UK. But this burger from Burgogi is by far and away the most flavoursome thing I have eaten this year.

You have GOT to try this Korean Burger Meal Kit

It is important to understand that we are not paid to write reviews, we do not promote businesses for financial interest. We do this because we love burgers! I would recommend this burger to absolutely anyone that enjoys flavour and burgers. They are the only two parameters by which you should consider this meal kit. I am so impressed with this burger that I wish I could sit by each and every person to watch their reaction after the first bite! It is priceless. After one bite my wife and I looked at each other, then looked back at each other’s plates where. Half of that burger is simply not enough! I am not sure how good the Bulgogi burger is because my mouth was blown away by the previous burger. When something is as good as that, it could make sugar taste bland.

Check out Burgogi website for the meal kits!


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